Cielo plans to construct waste-to-fuel facilities using alternate waste feedstocks. Mandates from Federal, Provincial and World governments for greener energy supplies make this the right time for waste-to-fuel production. Through a combination of multiple carbon credits and tax advantages, we see upside potential in addition to revenue and earnings.
Investor Information
How we generate value for our shareholders is as important as the value itself
For a complete listing of news and information on Cielo Waste Solutions, visit our listing on SEDAR.
Corporate Governance
The Pursuit of a Better Future Means Continuous Improvement
At Cielo, we are committed to continuously improving – that includes our governance processes and our internal controls.
Market Opportunity
Cielo: The Window to a Greener Future
Waste management has become one of the largest, fastest growing solutions industries and Cielo’s proprietary technology cleanly converts waste materials into high-quality transportation fuels.
Events & Presentations
Recent Events
Fiscal Q2 2023 Conference Call
Wed, December 14, 2022
Archived Events
Corporate Update Webinar
Wed, November 9, 2022
Fiscal Q1 2023 Conference Call
Tues, October 4, 2022
Fiscal Q4 2022 Conference Call
Tues, August 30, 2022
Financial Reports & AGM Material
*Cielo’s fiscal year end is April 30th.
More Information
Frequently Asked Questions
Who owns Cielo?
Cielo is a publicly traded company on the TSXV using the trading symbol CMC, and also on the OTCQB using the trading symbol CWSFF. We also trade on the Frankfurt (36.F) exchange in Germany.
What information is Cielo able to provide with respect to operations updates and other timelines?
With Cielo being publicly traded on several exchanges including the TSXV, operational updates can only be given in formal news releases to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of material information to all our shareholders. This would apply to any material information, such as construction timelines, expansion plans, and any other milestones that could impact the share price. Any comments to individual shareholders or individuals interested in Cielo can only be made with information that has already been press released. Press Releases can be found on our website under News & Media.
Who owns the Aldersyde R&D Facility?
Cielo owns 100% of the facility located at Aldersyde.
What type of waste products can Cielo’s facility receive and convert to renewable fuels?
The Aldersyde Phase 1 facility was converting wood waste into fuel and will now be transitioning to the R&D facility. Testing at Cielo’s Aldersyde R&D Facility will determine the commercial viability of all fibrous materials including organics, and wood waste (sawdust, bark, recycling products, cardboard, railway ties, etc.) which testing will be subject to the approval of Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP).
What type of fuels can you produce?
Cielo can currently produce diesel and naphtha. With the addition of certain equipment, Cielo can produce Kerosene (aviation/marine fuel) through the use of Cielo’s technology.
How is this technology different from pyrolysis?
The process of pyrolysis uses high temperature, high pressure and burns the waste streams producing a toxic ash and high emissions. Cielo’s technology operates at a lower temperature and pressure and produces no harmful emissions.
Can your facility take a variety of waste products at the same time?
Facility design will likely focus on single feedstocks based on availability in close proximity to a facility.